More Businesses are Moving Their SEO Offshore; You Should Too.  -
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More Businesses are Moving Their SEO Offshore; You Should Too. 

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They say a business is made up of the people who work there. Some companies grow to such a large number that overseeing every aspect of the business becomes a daunting task. In such a time, a few jobs are outsourced to experts outside the company. 

The world has shrunk in size since the boom of the internet. We can collaborate with people from around the globe more quickly than it would be a decade ago. There is research that indicates more than 300,000 jobs are outsourced from the United States of America alone. 

SEO or search engine optimization is one such service that has seen a very high level of export. If you consider just the American market — companies spend over $75 billion each year on SEO. But not all of these services occur in-house. 

An offshore agency can help a company scale faster, utilize a more extensive workforce, and provide a dedicated team. But before we dive deeper into SEO teams, it’s critical you fully understand the importance of good SEO

Understanding SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of altering your website with content and keywords to help rank higher on an online search. This practice happens from creating posts, studying search volumes, and tweaking your website for the best output — in other words, an optimized website. 

This method also includes making changes to the website structure, adding appropriate pages, and re-working the code to the present-day demands of the search engines.  

For example, Google shows results based on the keywords typed into the search bar. An SEO expert will ensure your website has sufficient data to present them on this search and at a higher position than that of your competition. 

This allows for organic traffic, better search volumes, higher search quality, enhanced website interface, social media impressions, and much more. Performing high-quality SEO on your website is critical for a generation where “let’s Google this!” is the most used phrase.

What Makes A Dedicated SEO Team? 

If all of this sounds like a simple task, why hire a dedicated team offshore? Your website’s ranking requires a large group that works like a well-oiled machine for better results. To provide context; here is what a dedicated SEO team comprises: 



1. Content Writers

Content is the most elementary key in this cog-wheel of SEO. Content in the form of website information, blogs, and media-posts helps the online crawlers determine your business domain. This information helps your website surface higher on appropriate search results. 

As per the statistics on Worldometers, a blog-research agency, over 4.4 million blogs are posted each day as of 2019. With the boom of online businesses in 2020, this number is further on an upward trajectory. These blogs for SEO must be relevant, free from plagiarism, cover topics in-depth, and provide information about the parent company.

All of this work needs the skillful mind of a competent content writer.    

2. Web-Management Division 

Apart from the content online, your website’s quality is also very essential in better search ranking. This means your code should be free from glitches and allow the search engines to move quickly from one page to another. 

For a larger business dependent on online search volumes, a professional team is essential to keep the website updated and free from vulnerabilities. They also update the website for changing demands of the search engines.    

3. Marketing Team 

For all the SEO team’s efforts to go as per plan, you must also have a crew to study the market and determine the exact audience. This marketing team can help push the content to relevant users and collect data that helps further changes in the existing information. 

The team acts as the link between the outside world and the inside of the organization. They also provide the writers and creators with all the information and direction they need. 

4. Link Building 

You will also need to build the credibility of your brand outside of your website and pages. This is done by creating a series of links on the internet that lead back to your products and services. This process is called link building, or back-linking. 

Each brand would require a dedicated team or person to ensure the quality of backlinks and out-links is maintained. They must also determine link prospects, fix broken links and manage external campaigns. 

Why Hire Offshore SEO Experts? 

With all of the technicalities out of our way — why should someone hire this team offshore? What value would it add to the business? 

1. Large on-demand workforce 

Most countries that undertake massive SEO, like India, the Philippines, Ukraine, etc., are nations with a vast workforce. The large working population makes it easier to hire the crème de la crème of the industry. 

Additionally, since many minds must work in harmony to execute these projects, an offshore company will gather all of them under one roof. This reduces the client companies’ burden to hire, train and quality-check a new team from scratch. 

The top 40 countries for business process outsourcing


2. Subject Matter Experts 

A parameter to understand about SEO is that it is an inbound marketing strategy. This means users are coming to your product (via search) and not the other way around. When a user is searching online, they have a comprehensive option of links; a satisfied customer can only come from accurate SEO.

As explained earlier, there are many people at work to ensure quality SEO. An offshore company would already have its people in place for each of these tasks. These are experts who spend their time fixing and managing SEO for various clients with many years of experience. 

Since they work with more than one client, they have a better gauge of the market, stay updated with changing trends and provide superior in-depth know-how. 

3. Never-ending-on-going Process

Unlike most aspects of a business, SEO is one that is a never-ending process. If you wish to stay on the top of search results, then you must ensure on-going efforts. This nature of SEO makes it a perfect aspect to outsource. This is also the reason most companies outsource this very aspect.  

A business could choose to spend time in business innovation, creating new ideas, enhancing sales, or improving products and services. Among all of these essential tasks, SEO is one that a third-party agency can easily; since SEO remains independent of the company’s mission and vision.   


4. Moveable From Organization-to-organization 

Creating content, managing pages, and optimizing links are all processes that follow a stringent protocol. They are standard industry practices based on the working of the search engine algorithm. A study also shows that  65% of small businesses work with more than one service provider.  

If an establishment were to manage your SEO for a few years, and you wish to move to a new company, the transition would be very organic. This quality of the service is another reason SEO can be easily outsourced to an offshore agency. 


5. Cheaper 

All the above factors make offshore SEO agencies relatively cheaper for various reasons. Since the parent-company does not invest in an in-house team, it reduces overheads like hiring, training, add-on benefits, office infrastructure, etc. An established agency provides all the services for a single-cost deal. 

Companies can also benefit from the difference in the exchange rate. The cost of services in countries like India and China is almost a fraction of doing them in-house. Most of these countries that cater to foreign markets also have friendly government regulations that help save a lot of money. 

How To Find The Right SEO Expert?

While there are ample options to pick from when it comes to outsourcing SEO needs, a company must determine one that is the perfect fit. Study your options based on the country of origin, the time difference, costs variations, taxations, government regulations, etc. 

Using advanced CRM software and organizations tools, a brand can remain in touch with these companies and track progress. You should also find an agency that can offer a majority of the services under the same deal.  

Final Thoughts, 

When you are a step closer to booking the firm of your choice, ensure you allocate resources based on pre-set time and goals. Ask the offshore company the progress they offer and the timeless they follow. 

Demand the most level of transparency to ensure they work as a limb of your own business. 

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