White Label Agency Or Freelancer - Which One Should You Choose?
White Label

How To Decide Between Freelancer Vs. White Label Agency

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How To Decide Between Freelancer Vs. White Label Agency

The choices you make impact your business significantly. About 35% of the global workforce are freelancers. While choosing between going with a White Label Agency or a freelancer, there are a variety of factors to consider. These are criteria that depend on what matters to you the most, whether its reliability or cost-effectiveness, scalability, or flexibility.

Beyond this, the answer is not all black and white. Rather, it also depends on the level of skill of the agency or freelancer you choose to work with. Either one has a range of skills and experience levels that come at different costs. Budgets play a big role in deciding on whether you would want to go with an agency or a freelancer. Between the two, it is clear that they both cater to different requirements and that it is possible to strike a balance between the two.

1. Reliability And Dependability

Reliability is an essential factor to be considered when deciding if you should go with a freelancer or a White Label Agency. With a freelance, reliability can be hit or miss. With a White Label Agency, you can be sure that you’ll receive timely response time, 24/7 customer support, and higher time-efficiency.

freelancer dedication

When it comes to freelancing, your experience will vary completely depending on the freelance professional. Roughly 55% of freelance professionals have other full-time jobs. At times, having multiple ongoing projects, technical issues, and personal reasons can cause a freelancer to miss a deadline. With White Label Agencies, there is more reliability in the fact that there are adequate human resources to get jobs done.

2. Skillsets Possessed

Search-Engine Optimization, Email marketing, and Pay-Per-Click, and other digital marketing services require a continuously growing skillset. When dealing with a White Label Agency, you’re more likely to have premium skillsets and tools available to you. Business competition compels organizations to stay updated with the latest in digital marketing tools. In a space that is constantly evolving, it takes regular learning and upskilling.


Dealing with a freelancer can be a smooth experience if you are blessed working with a skilled professional; however, this isn’t always the case. Every individual freelancer you meet will have varying levels of experience and skills. This is why it is essential when choosing your freelance professional to take the time to get to know them. This will also help you understand their strengths and also their shortcomings.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

While looking for a freelancer or White Label Agency, you want a good job done, and you want it done for the right price. For this, cost-effectiveness should be a key criterion to consider.


White Label Agencies can often provide packages and offers that might provide great value for your investment. Freelancers might offer more value for money because of reduced overhead costs as compared to a company.

4. Flexibility Of Operations

White Label digital marketing agencies can offer a host of different retainer plans, subscriptions, and packages, offering a great deal of flexibility. With an agency, you would be more likely to get more value for your money on larger operations.

On the other hand, freelancers may not offer package deals, depending on the freelancer you choose to go with and the level of their experience. However, you might be able to freely communicate with them outside of fixed office hours, get faster responses, and receive additional consulting services. Your team might be able to work more closely with a dedicated freelancer to prioritize your project.

5. Scalability

Scalability is an essential factor to think about when deciding between a freelancer or a White Label Agency. If and when you are looking to grow your business, you should choose an option that will accommodate your company’s expansion.


White Label Agencies have the manpower to scale operations easier. Additionally, you might be able to avail of a package service. With freelancers, you may be restricted to a limited amount of time and resources.

6. Client Communication

It is said that customer experience is the key differentiator between brands and services. Whether you are looking to hire a White Label Agency or freelancer, good communication is essential. If you’re outsourcing your digital marketing needs remotely, make sure that you have open communication with your clients regarding the status of the project and have them share any questions or concerns that they might have.

Client communication depends on the agency and freelancer that you choose. A majority of 61% of customers prefer to be contacted by email over any other medium. Many companies aim to be as responsive as possible. Freelancers can also be highly responsive even outside of working hours. If you choose to go with a White Label Agency, be sure to check if they provide 24/7 customer support.


7. Ongoing Support

Around 33% of customers abandon business relationships because of a lack of personalization. Continuous and ongoing support is what you’re looking for to achieve your targets. Many White Label Agencies have begun to offer around the clock support for customers.

With freelancers, you might risk not getting the customer support that you would expect. To avoid this, at the outset, before signing a contract with a freelancer, make sure to discuss revision times, and support expectations.

This will ensure that there are no surprises during the time it takes to get your project completed. If ongoing regular support is what you are looking for, you would be best suited to choose a White Label Agency unless you are working with a reliable freelancer.

8. Quality Of Results

Results are what counts when it comes to measuring bottom-line performance. Around 89% of consumers switch to a consumer because of dissatisfaction with customer experience. The quality of results varies drastically among freelancers. This has to do with them having widely different skills and years of experience. In general, you can expect to pay slightly higher than market prices to get in touch with an expert freelancer. However, spending the extra amount and investing in quality can make a significant difference to your result.


My metric for success can be summed up in one phrase: earn customers for life.

Mary Barra, Chair and CEO, General Motors.

With a White Label Agency, you can probably expect to receive a standardized level of quality across the board. With tough market competition, businesses are aware of market trends and aim to stay relevant in the ever-evolving space. Not only this, but you are more likely to have a well thought out customer experience while dealing with a marketing agency.


Freelancers have contributed as much as $1.4 trillion to the US economy in a year. There are plenty of factors that you would consider before choosing to go with either a White Label Agency or a freelancer. Reliability, dependability, quality of results, and scalability all weigh in favor of an agency, while a freelancer might be able to provide you with better flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Either way, be sure to do your extensive due diligence before choosing either. When it comes to paying more for higher levels of experience and skills, a little can go a long way. Be sure to choose a White Label Agency or freelancer that prioritizes your projects and works closely with you to help achieve your goals.

Jignesh Patel

Jignesh Patel

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Jignesh is a Tech-Pro who believes in tactical planning and strategizing while promoting technology convergence.

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